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Better Government is About Listening to the People

A neighbor just around the corner from u

Since settling in Utah, and especially since Anthony and his wife, Kira, purchased their family home in Kearns, several needs of our community have come to the forefront of his mind. Below are a few of them.


He is always open to input and wants to hear your ideas on how we can improve our community and make the government more efficient and accountable to the people. 

Issues Anthony Loubet is focused on:



  • Quality education is essential, and it ought to be one of the issues at the forefront of discussion.

  • Anthony will work to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of our educational system.


  • The first step is compensating teachers fairly for the indispensable contributions they make to improving the well-being of our children, as well as by clarifying the responsibilities and roles of students, parents, teachers, and administrators.


  • There are workable solutions available that will enhance our children’s learning experience and achievements without causing hardship for taxpayers.

  • He would like to see Utah schools return to emphasizing academics over attitudes and social agendas.


  • Since parents know their children best, state tax laws should allow parents the freedom to choose whether their children will be homeschooled or sent to public or private school without penalty.

  • Utah schools should set the standard for education, not measure up to it.


Fighting Inflation

  • Each time our families go to the grocery store, the prices are steadily increasing. This needs to stop. 

  • The federal government has caused an incredibly volatile situation that is not sustainable for Utah families. 

  • Anthony will fight against senseless spending and work against the continued bad ideas coming from Washington. 


Supporting Law Enforcement

  • States across the nation are cutting their law enforcements budget, and they are seeing the consequences.

  • Anthony will support law enforcement in Utah and ensure they have the resources to protect our great communities.  




  • There has been much discussion about development on the west side. However, this will cause some strain on our existing infrastructure.

  • High-density housing will lead to increased demand for water and a need for more comprehensive roads, schools, hospitals, and other services.


  • Anthony supports fiscal and responsible housing development.


  • Our state representatives need to work with local government entities to help ensure there are sufficient resources to address these issues.


  • He has witnessed firsthand what happens when our state government doesn’t consider the needs and concerns of local government and will fight for responsible infrastructure development and planning on the west side.



  • Anthony opposed the tax bill that sought to increase our grocery and gas taxes.

  • Our tax structure must allow schools to thrive and families to do more than financially survive; we must enable them to grow and prosper.


  • In particular, senior citizens should be able to count on social security money without worries that increased taxes will endanger their ability to afford food and essential services.

  • Due to the steady and impressive growth in Utah, our state finds itself in the position of needing to fund projects before revenue is available

  • Consumers are moving away from certain taxable services to comparable services, which are either not taxed or taxed at reduced rates, which causes a reduction in revenue.


  • Anthony feels we need to be careful about moving forward to ensure essential services and needs are met in thoughtful planning because merely raising taxes on certain goods and services will disproportionately affect our working-class citizens on the west side.

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