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Better Government is About

Listening to the People

Raising my family in Kearns with my wife, Kira, and serving as your Representative in District 27 are experiences that have shown me a new perspective on the needs of our communities. 

I am always open to input and I want to hear your ideas on how we can improve our community, and make our government more efficient and accountable to the people.

I am focused on:

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  • Utah schools should set the standard for education, not measure up to it.
    I believe in empowering parents and teachers to make effective and smart decisions about their students’ education.


  • I will continue to advocate for fair compensation for our teachers for the indispensable contributions they make to our children's well-being. 

  • We must clarify the roles and responsibilities of students, parents, teachers, and administrators in order to prioritize academic excellence and accountability– not attitudes and social agendas.

  • I will push for state tax laws to allow parents the freedom to choose the best educational structure for their children, be it homeschooling, public, private, or charter schools, because parents know best what their children need. 

  • We will find and implement workable solutions that will enhance our children's learning experience and achievements without causing hardship for taxpayers.

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  • Due to the steady and impressive growth in Utah, our state finds itself in the position of needing to fund projects before revenue is available. 

  • Each time our families go to the grocery store, prices have been steadily increasing. This needs to stop.

  • We must ensure essential services and needs are met through fiscally responsible solutions; merely raising taxes on goods and services disproportionately affects our working-class citizens on the West Side. 

  • Senior citizens should be able to count on Social Security without worrying about increased taxes that could endanger their ability to afford food and essential services.

  • Our tax structure must allow our schools to thrive and our families to grow and prosper; not just survive. 


  • I promise to continue the fight against senseless spending by our state and federal governments, and find solutions for Utah families to keep more of their hard-earned money. 

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  • States across the nation are cutting their law enforcement budgets, and they are seeing the consequences.


  • I will support law enforcement in Utah and ensure they have the resources to protect our great communities.


  • Last session, I sponsored and passed HB102 to give law enforcement officers more flexibility in the types of training they undergo, allowing them to specialize in areas that are relevant to the roles they serve. ​




  • There is a need for more affordable housing and development on the West Side, but we must grow in a way that won't strain our existing infrastructure. 

  • High-density housing will lead to increased demand for water and a need for more comprehensive roads, schools, hospitals, and other services. 

  • I will work with local government entities to help ensure there are sufficient resources to address these issues. 

  • I support fiscal and responsible housing development, which is why I will fight for responsible infrastructure development and planning on the West Side.

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  • Air pollution problems affect every resident on the West Side, but especially our at-risk groups.


  • Cleaner air is not a partisan issue– it's a personal one. Many families, including my own, have children with severe allergies who cannot enjoy the outdoors when we have poor air quality.

  • I co-sponsored a bipartisan resolution on the environmental impact of vehicle idling in Utah. 

  • I will identify solutions to incentivize individuals and businesses to reduce pollution.

  • I voted yes on bills to enhance statewide water conservation efforts through incentives– not punishments.

  • I will continue to support bills that prioritize the Great Salt Lake. 

(801) 613-0884

4956 W 6200 S #434, Kearns, UT, 84118

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Paid for by Committee to Elect Anthony Loubet.

Copyright © 2024 Anthony Loubet. All rights reserved.

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